You may be experiencing issues with your internet or Wi-Fi, which may be down, slow (perhaps due t o lack of bandwidth) or is just instable and experiencing glitches. Check that

this is not the case. Other than your internet/Wi-Fi, there are only 2 reasons why you cannot place a buy trade.


  1. You do not have sufficient buying power; this means that the size of the trade you are trying to place exceeds your account size, in which case you will have to make a deposit in order to be able to make your buy transaction. OR you will have to utilize Margin trading, which provides you with leverage to gain more buying power, which may be sufficient for you to place your trade – the maximum leverage you can utilize is 1:3, so 3 times the amount you have on your account.
  2. Your account has been blocked; if we have placed a buying restriction on your account it is because you may have breached our Terms of Use by using any robot, spider, crawler, sniper, scraper or other automated means or interface not provided by Us to access the Bitblinx trading platform or to extract data. You may contact us at