It is strongly recommended to use 2-factor authentication (2FA) since it provides an additional layer of security to your account. This way you can trust your account to be safe.


We recommend you to download the Google Authenticator app since it provides the most secure configuration for 2FA. . The authentication code, generated by the app, is used for logging into your Bitblinx account. Once you have downloaded this app login to your Bitblinx account

  1. go to “Profile” (top right of screen),
  2. at the bottom of the page “Your information” click on  “Enable 2 Factor Auth.” ,
  3. open the Google Authenticator App (on your mobile or tablet) and scan the QR code displayed,
  4. enter the 6-digit verification code generated from your  Google Authenticator  and click “Add” – the initial set-up is now completed.


The Google Authenticator does not require phone reception or internet access once set up. It generates a unique authentication code which is valid for only thirty seconds. Because Google Authenticator is not associated with your phone number it is more secure than SMS Verification, and is therefore not susceptible to phone number porting attacks


For more detailed information on the Google Authenticator go to:


Should you need more help in installing the Google Authenticator app see this short video: